Thursday, March 8, 2012

Carinosa comes to Quito

20 hours later I was back at the airport. The Quiteñan one this time. With Wlady, my Ecuadorian friend. To fetch Carina, my German friend from studying times in Freiburg. She had decided to visit me for two weeks in Ecuador. Sweet move. And she brought chocolate with her. Loads of delicious, German chocolate. Even sweeter move. Literally. ;)

First thing we did was heading to bed. I haven’t slept since getting off the bus. And we would both need to be fit for the next days and weeks. A lot of action lay ahead.

Next morning I got up early, had to run to the Immigration Office once again, step two in the visa process. 200 $ had to be paid. That hurts.

But the pain was quickly forgotten once we were at the airport again: Julez arrived. He was absolutely game for the Ecuador trip. Talking of games: We spent the rest of the afternoon socializing in my bedroom playing board games with Wlady, Bea and Sarina, having a massive laugh and cooking Spaghetti Bolognese. Life can be amazing!

The next morning. Bea left first, the hospital was awaiting her. She was let out by Sarah, my flatmate. I couldn’t find my keys. Sarina had to climb a tree to get over the fence, Sarah had already gone to school. Three people were left in my room: Carina & Julez, one per bed, and Wlady snoring peacefully on the couch. The ladder decided to stay for brunch. Fruits, yoghurt, cereals and the left over spaghettis. Excellent stuff.

As I finally found my keys, Wlady left. We decided to visit Mitad del Mundo, the Center of the Earth. Again. But it wasn’t the same as last time: Different people, different stuff to experience, different pictures to be taken.

And off to the museum again. This time early enough to get a full-time tour. Pretty interesting. Same games as last time. I couldn’t balance the egg on the nail this time. Don’t know why. But hey – Julez and Carina did. That’s why we get along that well – we complement each other pretty successfully. :)

After a long day out in the sun, we were starving – and therefore amazed that it was Tuesday: A nearby burger place in the center of Quito featured a two-for-one offer – and those burgers were delicious! *mjam*


Besides Sarah, Stefanie joined as well, the Ecuadorian lady I lived with for a month or so. Wlady turned up as we were about to leave… Too late for burgers. Sorry, mate. :)

On Wednesday, Carina and Julez went up the Cable Car to see Quito from above, from Pichincha Mountain. I went jogging, desperately trying to fight that growing belly…

After reuniting again for lunch, the two went shopping, while I finally obtained my visa. Olé! We celebrated with a beer while watching Barcelona humiliating Leverkusen 7:1. Sad story for German soccer reputation. Bayern Munich should kick their asses in the Champions League finals in May! ;)

To cherish the amazing sunshine a little, we went for a sightseeing trip to the historic city center, before returning back home just in time for a massive pancake session with around 15 guests. Great fun. And then we were all prepared for a great night out in Quito’s Mariscal district, the main center of the nightlife action. Except for Carina. She decided to save some energy for the upcoming journey. Ecuador had to be explored.

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