Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bye, bye, Galapagos. I wish I'd be back soon! :)

I checked out early from Hostal Darwin, a place where a bed only costs 10$. A cab brought me to the bus terminal ($ 1,50), the bus to the ferry, the ferry to Baltra and another bus to the airport. I was way too early, and after I had shopped around the few airport stores I had another nap.

I checked in, passed the security control and napped again.

I woke up, 40 mins before my plane was supposed to leave, but it was nowhere to be seen. Another nap shouldn’t do much damage, I thought.

Until I awoke again. 10 minutes after my plane had left. *outch*

So. There I was. Facing another 300 $ or so senseless penalty, just because I did not want to stay awake for some forty minutes to await my plane. Sometimes I doubt that one learns from mistakes: I have missed my flight from Australia back to Germany, because I hadn’t checked the ticket at all. By one month. I have missed my flight from France back to Germany, because I hadn’t checked the ticket properly. By one day. And now I had missed my flight from Galapagos back to the Ecuadorian mainland, because I was tired?

Oh, hang on, didn’t I just mention that I was about to fly back from Galapagos to Ecuador? Isn’t Galapagos part of Ecuador? Hell yeah, it is! And isn’t Ecuador the country where time is usually a tiny little bit different interpreted as German people would do it? Hell yeah, it is!

Sometimes luck is with the dumb/tired ones. My flight was delayed. Just a tiny little bit. By four hours, to be more precise. (I even managed to stay awake for those four hours.) And my flight would not go straight to Guayaquil, Ecuador’s biggest city. It would stop over in San Cristobal. Exactly, that island, where I would have had to pay 300 $ extra to board the plane there. Can someone explain me the logic behind that?

We arrived in Guayaquil, still four hours late, and I was incredibly tempted to simply stay aboard to fly on to Quito. If it would not have been for my backpack I would have probably taken my chances…

I booked a bus ticket to Quito and arrived at 4am. As I had slept almost the entire day, I decided to stay awake, took advantage of the time shift between Ecuador and Germany and started an extended Skype session to Hamburg (Cheers Jay & Mr. La Riche).

I now have exactly 20 hours to recover from my adventure. 20 hours to recover from 9 days of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. 20 hours until Carina will land here in Quito. 20 hours until the next adventure starts…

I will keep you posted, my friends. Just give me my 20 hours to digest everything that has happened... I think, in fact, I should take 20 months to digest that...

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