Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Next capital - different country

South American formalities were passed pretty easily, we reached Otavalo (again, by night), a nice little village where we supported the local economy by buying kilos of fruits as well as sunglasses and some chill-out pants. That was about it before we jumped into a bus down to Quito.

That’s where we are right now. Quito. Ecuador’s capital and with 1.5 million inhabitants its second largest city, right after Guayaquil (2.25 million inhabitants). A night in a hostel costs 5,60 US$ (US$ are the national currency), a bottle of rum is 3 $, a full meal including soup, drink and main course is 1,50 $. I love it here. Guess I should find some decent job. ;)

Our hostel provides a free pool table, which Julez and I enjoy pretty often. Yesterday we did some excellent cooking, had “Strammen Max” and Spaghetti Bolognese. *yumm*

Huge downturn: My camera got stolen. You might have noticed that there are no more pictures online since the desert. Well – those were still on my memory card, when it was taken by some unknown person yesterday afternoon. It’s an absolute shame… :(

Today Julez & I went to explore the inner city of Quito, while the girls supported a bullfighting arena. Now we’re back in hostel, a little disappointed by the (not-happening) fiestas of Quito’s foundation day, waiting for Carina to come back for some Skat-session. The weather ain’t too sunny here either, but we’re getting used to it. Let’s see how long I’ll be able to stand it here… :)

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