Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And the winner is... terrific sis!!!

Unbelievable: Only two days after I had lost the last bit of hope, some wonder happened: I got a letter!!! Ole! And my incredibly awesome sister won her personalized VIP-postcard. :) Nice one. So, after all, I received my christmas mail! :) Thank you! :*

More news just shortly: Montanita was a blast, 4 insane days, beach, sun, summer... finally again. Missed that here in Quito. Downturn: First day waveboarding killed my shoulder. No clue, what's wrong, but further surfing was impossible - and the shoulder still hurts.

Return, back to work the next day. Got some homepage-programming lessons in Spanish. *hahaha* Oh yeah. Nevertheless, I got bored from translating texts and filling in databases. So I complained - and got a new job. One floor higher, in the sales department. So - since yesterday afternoon I'm working in an office with like 25 ladies, and they are all concerned that I could get bored. *hahaha* Well, in fact, I still do. Yesterday they assigned me a task which should keep me occupied until the end of the month. Guess what - I completed it in 3 hours! Damn, these people are just not too used to that some people actually work while at work. ;)

Anyway, today, my office neighbour tried to find random tasks to keep me busy, and she did. At times. I think, all in all I worked like 4 hours throughout the day. Enough for the moment, but I'm not too sure if I'm gonna stay until the end of the month. I just feel like not being needed, kind of disturbing them while working when I always come around to ask for further tasks. A bit weird.

But hey - during all those spare hours I had enough time to get loads of information on Ecuador. And hey - there's more than enough out there to explore! So - whenever I quit the job, I won't get bored afterwards... :)

Other than that, life picks up: Spanish lessons rule, and yesterday I had ... my first Salsa class! Ole! :) Yeah, yeah, not bad. I'll keep going. :)

Furthermore, some CVs are being sent out, to the States, UK, Germany, Chile, Argentina... all over the world. Let's see which country will emerge as the lucky winner...

Well then - so far, so good. I hope all of you had an amazing New Year's Party? Everyone still happy, healthy and optimistic for 2012? Any New Year's pledges?

Cheers from Quito, once again. :)

El Chris

P.S.: Oh, I forgot last Saturday. Finally some action! Got a new haircut. ;) Wanted to take pictures for my CV, but couldn't find a photographer who was skilled enough. Did some sightseeing around town with Stef and some Italian dude. Good times.

P.P.S.: Oh, forgot about Sunday, too. Main event: Mercedes left. Sad story. She's back in cold, freezing Switzerland... but well, that's travellers life - full of goodbyes...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah :) Freut mich!!!

    Und verlangweile dich nicht zutode! World's waiting for you!

    STOR Klem! Love, hugs and KNUDDELS!!!
    Deine Tytti-Knuddelsis (who loves you)
