Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to the Caribbean

Guys, imagine you're heading out around midnight. First round of double-deck kings is played, everyone's dressed up, looking smart and is ready to rock.

So, off we went, found a cool place, right at the waterfront, 12.000 Col$ (~ 6 US$) entrance fee, 6 beers included. Not a bad deal. That's what we thought first... until we found out, that the club closes at 1am. *lol* 60 mins of serious drinking had to be done... ^^

That was last night. The days and nights before we filled with dancing, happy people and beautiful women, as November 11 is the Independance Day of Cartagena, a national holiday, which got combined with a carneval-like parade featuring all the candidates for the Miss-Colombia-competition! *woohooo* Pretty cool stuff!

A little uncool: Carneval attracts loads of tourists, hence loads of ladrones, pickpockets. Julez lost 50.000 Col$, and I was pretty happy about my Barcelona experience - 5 (FIVE!!!) attempts to steal my camera failed. *ha* Take that, losers! Still - we're not taking our cameras out anymore...

Foam party at Cartagena's Fiesta Nacional.

Foamy, but happy: the outcome of a fine day at Carneval. (Oh, btw.: That blue stuff is powder, which locals love to throw on harmless tourists - and their friends, relatives and everyone else. We're still trying to figure out how to get that stuff out of textiles... *g*)

Cartagena is considered the "architectural gem of the continent" (Lonely Planet, 2011), sometimes even referred to as "the most beautiful city I've ever seen" (K. Schulte, T. Höring, 2011). In any case - it's pretty nice here, pretty hot, pretty touristy. If you ever come here, you'll understand why. ;) Because it's pretty... pretty! Amazing colonial architecture, carefully restored, almost any street could be featured on a postcard...

Gin & I went to a mud vulcan yesterday. Have you ever tried that before? It's like floating around in space, you don't drown, but you can't stand stable either. You can sit, lie down, or stand around, your head is always above the surface, the rest of your body isn't. Weird feeling. Weird outcome.

Oh, and - hey, we weren't the only ones... ^^ (But look at that beautiful scenery behind! Amazing!)

Washing off the dirt in that lovely river right next to the vulcano. Fun, fun. :)

What else is there to say? Well - should you ever come to Colombia, try "bandeja de pais". Mum, ask your VHS-teacher about that. ^^ It's amazing. And cheap. You choose a meat (pescado, pollo, cerdo...), and you get served a soup first, then you'll get your meat, usually with rice, fried bananas, salad, sometimes even beans, eggs and avocado. Delicious!

Okay. Off we go. Beachsoccer & -volleyball are waiting. :)

Wish all of you some happy Sunday!

Hasta la proxima. :)

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