Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adios, amigos

The present

I'm currently working in a Mexican restaurant at Lake Constance, Southern Germany. Amazing place. I like my job, but somehow my itchy feet won't come to a rest. After finishing my Bachelor degree in Barcelona this year, exploring the Indian Ocean for some weeks and finally picking up this job to get my bank account back in the blacks, I'm finally ready for my next adventure:


Okay, so - off we go! 8 days left before we'll leave Europe. "Us" includes two friends and me: Julez, a fellow student from Freiburg, and Gin, a lady I met while working in animation in Turkey 2009. Both are absolutely excellent characters, and I'm looking damn forward to start this terrific trip with them.

The plan

Our plan is to have none. Our one-way-flight brings us from Duesseldorf to Miami, where we'll catch up with Isi, former uni colleague as well. She made a 48-hours-non-stop-"Let's-rock-Miami"-plan. From there on we'll fly to Aruba, some small island just north of Venezuela, to finally see Mikey "the legend" again, our good, old German-Canadian friend we once got to know in Freiburg...

And then? Well... we'll see... I can't predict what's gonna happen, but I'll try to post what has happened. So just step by from time to time and check for updates. :)

Cheers from cold & grey Germany.


1 comment:

  1. uhuuuu :D South Americaaaaaa !!!! I want a lot of photos and a lot of details !! :*:*:*
    ;) Guess whooo :P
